Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What You Should Know About Cold Sore Remedies

By Richard Wheade

For the approximately 145 million Americans infected with the HSV-1 (Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1) virus, sifting through the dozens of cold sore remedies on the market can be a frustrating experience. With oral herpes treatment options ranging from prescription drugs, to over-the-counter medicines and home remedies, it can be difficult to know where to even start.

It should be pointed out that, in all cases, treatment affects only the symptoms of HSV-1, as no cure is available for the virus that causes oral cold sores. Additionally, there is no universally agreed-upon "best" treatment for every individual, as the severity of symptoms, and duration of outbreaks, can vary greatly from one person to the next.

Hopefully, this article can help point you in the right direction to find the oral herpes treatment that best suits you. It is important to remember, however, that none of the remedies discussed herein will eliminate the HSV-1 virus from your body. What they can do, is effectively reduce the severity and duration of your cold sore outbreaks.

Leading Home Remedies

As you may have already discovered, any search engine query regarding "home remedies for cold sores" will produce nearly endless results. For this reason, it would be impractical to discuss every possible home remedy in this article, so we will instead focus only on those remedies that are widely recognized among physicians. The following list represents those home remedies that are known to reduce pain caused by cold sores, and accelerate their healing:

* Mouth rinse that contains baking soda

* Compression with a wet, cool towel

* Use of L-lysine ointment, or taking of L-lysine pills (1,500 mg - 3,000 mg/day)

* Topically applied Vitamin E

* Taking Zinc tablets (max. 60 mg/day during outbreaks) or topically applying Zinc Oxide cream

* Taking Tylenol (not recommended for children under age 20) or Ibuprofen

Leading Over-the-Counter Cold Sore Remedies

You'll find a wide range of creams and topical ointments designed specifically for treating cold sores at your local drug store. While each brand has its relative strengths and weaknesses in comparison to its competition, none have been proven unequivocally superior to the others. There are, however, ingredients contained within certain products that have been proven highly effective at lessening the symptoms of cold sores. Therefore, any topical ointment or cold sore cream you purchase should contain one of the following:

* Docosanol 10%

* Benzocaine 5% - 20%

* Lidocaine 0.5% - 4%

* Tetracaine 2%

* Dibucaine 0.25% - 1%

Prescription Cold Sore Remedies

Should your outbreaks produce cold sore symptoms severe enough that you need to see a physician, you will be prescribed either pills or a topical cream. Pills are generally considered to be the more effective of these two options at reducing the severity and duration of symptoms, while ointments give quicker (albeit, shorter-term) relief to immediate discomfort caused by cold sores.

The following FDA-approved drugs are available in prescription pill form:

* Acyclovir (Zovirax)

* Valacyclovir (Valtrex)

* Famciclovir (Famvir)

Whichever of the cold sore remedies mentioned in this article you eventually use, remember that it will only lessen the symptoms of your HSV-1 infection and will not kill the virus. Over time, however, as is the case with all herpes viruses, your body's immune system becomes more resistant to future outbreaks and limits those that do occur to shorter durations.

Also, keep in mind that there are foods that prevent cold sores. These are great choices and will help with avoiding repeated outbreaks. Check it out.

Also, while you are there, take advantage of a complete cold sore treatment plan on sale now. Buy it once and it is yours for life!!

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Cold Sore Cure: Fast Tricks For Curing A Cold Sore

By Dave Paule

If you are searching for a cold sore cure in an easy prescription or commercially available pill, it has not yet been invented. Check out this article if you are serious about finding a cold sore cure today.

Anyone who has endured cold sores, or read accurate facts about them, understands that they are caused by a type of herpes virus. And, for all the breakthroughs in current medicine, medical scientists cannot quite figure out how to exterminate this very evasive virus.

People, who endure the misery of cold sores, are constantly searching for the ideal cold sore cure, and are frequently highly disappointed.

There are numerous cold sore treatment preparations commercially available promising everything from relief to permanent cures. Some have even been endorsed by the FDA.

You should be aware that the FDA has a track record of giving the okay to treatments that do not give good results. Occasionally they have been proven to cause harmful results to your body. For example, oral virus medication can bring about liver disease.

So, if you have spent top dollar for FDA affirmed creams, gels and prescriptions, you quite likely have already come to the realization that your hard-earned money might have been better spent.

The prescription and off-the-shelf products, even the FDA endorsed pharmaceuticals, hardly ever will reduce your healing time by any significant amount. Often applying an ice cube can perform better.

Big medicine, at the most, has come up with preparations that aid in alleviating a number of the annoying phases and worry of a herpes attack.

Some of the most satisfying treatments for comfort are the creams and balms you can buy without a prescription - and for significantly less money. But, in actuality, the more quickly you wipe out the sore, the more promptly you will be smiling again.

It is wise to not manage your sore like a blister or zit. Do not scrape at it or attempt to push out the secretion. You can make it worse and create a situation where it will take a lot longer to heal. In addition, you risk spreading it to a new spot on your mouth or in your eyes.

The medical research scientists to date have not discovered a cold sore cure that actually works, although they are working hard at it. This said, they truly do try to present a number of wild endorsements for their current pharmaceuticals.

Even with prescription medical antivirals, you will observe that the sores still need 10 to 27 days to thoroughly go away. If you have had much experience with herpes sores, you know that this is somewhat the similar extent of time for elimination without any treatment.

The natural science practitioners are aware of the fact that your body does every bit of the healing. The top performing treatments are natural factors that support and feed your topical healing action for measurably quicker and greater outcome.

Cold sores are exacerbated by stressful situations. This stress raises creation of adrenalin and various other hormones. Experts believe the effects of these hormones help to wake up sleeping viruses.

Because anxiety is such a big player, a few physicians are willing to treat repeated outbreaks with tiny quantities of a tranquilizer. Some outbreak victims claim to get relief from this treatment. Keep in mind, using these habit-forming chemicals for what can be an improper purpose is not providing your body any good at all. It actually can easily give you a serious addiction and worse damage than you are hoping to protect yourself from.

With knowledge that a primary symptom of these herpes events is inflamed tissue and swelling, a non-prescription fever type product should offer up welcome relief.

Some individuals say that extra-strength aspirin or related pain and fever medicines assist them in coping with the ache and the agony associated with this virus attack. If you have to avoid aspirin, you can easily find substitute products that work equally fine.

In addition you could put on a medication that was created for hurting teeth and baby's teething pain. These gels are great for reducing sensitivity.

Averting a sore is many times more satisfactory than having to cure one. If you are bothered with repeated cold sores, it could be of great benefit to keep a food diary. This should help identify trouble foods that might be partially responsible for your sores and help with your cold sore treatment plan.

You most certainly can cure cold sores. The most beneficial cures are in your cupboards, not in the drug store. These incorporate onion, olive oil, peppermint oil, lemon balm tea and a multitude of others. Often you quite possibly could cure your sores in 72 hours or less!

Start using these proven and easy cures from nature as soon as possible. You will see why so many folks are surprised and pleased with these cold sore cure products from your pantry.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Cold Sores: Symptoms And Transmission

By Jay Cartera

Another name for cold sores is fever blisters and they can erupt inside the mouth or on the face. These little sores look like blisters and they can itch, burn or cause pain before they burst and then scab over. Cold sores can occur on the lips, cheeks, in the nostrils, chin and less frequently on the gums or palate.

Cold sores are more commonly caused by herpes simplex type 1 virus (HSV-1).


As herpes simplex virus is very contagious and can be easily transmitted from close contact between two people, cold sores too are contagious. Just because you have contracted the herpes simplex virus, you may not immediately get cold sores. This virus can lay dormant or inactive in the body for quite a long time.

It is some trigger that activates the virus which in turn leads to a cold sore outbreak. It is not possible to pinpoint a trigger for cold sores as it varies amongst people. Many people will have a couple of outbreaks of cold sores in a year but others may only be affected once.

Dormant virus

Some people who are carrying the herpes simplex virus in their bodies will never get cold sores because the virus is lying dormant. However, there is no need to worry about cold sores as they are pretty common.

There is no way to prevent cold sores or to cure them but what you can do when you discover what triggers them in you, is to avoid this trigger to reduce the number of outbreaks.

Many people will mistake cold sores for canker sores. A canker sore is a small ulcer found in the soft tissue of the mouth.

However cold sores do not appear in the mouth's soft tissue. Another name for canker sores is aphthous ulcers and they are quite painful.

When or if you get an outbreak, it will probably be at the worst possible time. You do not deserve these viral attacks and you don't have to put up with them anymore. Check out a cold sore treatment plan designed to give you lifetime freedom from these invaders.

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Will These Remedies For Cold Sores Provide You Cold Sore Freedom?

By Denny Bodoh

Are you anxiously trying to find remedies for cold sores that work? Then check out this report immediately. You will get fast, reliable relief and realize for yourself how natural cold sore remedies are still your optimum choices.

Remedies for cold sores are very abundant. Some are good for reducing the misery, but the majority of these drug store treatments are more to get you to spend your money than to aid you to get rid of your sore.

You will see that the natural home remedies for cold sores outlined in this report will often act significantly better and quicker than any store-bought products. This is not just a notion but a well documented fact.

Next are a number of potent cold sore remedies I want to give you the opportunity to try out. Most folks have learned that implementing them at the same time, rather than individually, will deliver you a significantly greater and faster response.


Oregano oil is not widely recognized, but it is a very potent anti-viral therapy. You can use it internally as well as externally. With cold sores, your biggest and fastest relief will be provided by external use, but taking it internally will really improve results. Start using at the first symptom of an outbreak.

Normally you can access oregano oil at any vitamin source. Get the soft-gels for oral therapy. Each gel-cap is good for a single direct utilization. Simply puncture a capsule and put the oil directly on the affected area.

You will also find oregano oil in tiny bottles. If you discover this oil to be too strong for your skin, dilute it with extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil is a very good treatment for these sores also, but it is considerably more soothing to your skin.


Honey is believed to possibly be one of the oldest cures (commonly known during the Roman days) and it still gives great results today. It is a wide range wound treatment that gives some strong healing results by itself.

My initial choice is unprocessed, raw honey available at the organic food store, commonly in bulk. This honey should still provide a number of favorable enzymes that can contribute greatly in halting virus movement and healing your lesion.

One particular honey that has shown great potential is New Zealand Manuka honey. It originates from the Manuka bush, which is related to the Melaleuca tree from which we derive tea tree oil. Manuka honey is generally available in specialty food stores and outlets or you will quickly find it online.


Using hot tea bags is a highly impressive method of treating these miserable lesions. This treatment is not only a refreshing therapy but can measurably decrease healing time.

Black and green teas operate quite well and they are cheap. Certain herbal teas can give exceptional results, as reported by some folks. Read the label for herbs that offer ginger, mint or lemon balm. I personally prefer the herbal teas.

It is not a sound idea to apply warm tea bags before the sore finishes opening up. While the sore is growing, utilize ice to decrease swelling and hinder the virus damage. Better yet, apply cold treatment by using frozen tea bags and take advantage of the healing factors in the tea.

You initially get going by heating water on the stove or in a microwave oven. Then soak the tea bag to warm it up and activate the healing nutrient package. Never put the tea bag in the microwave. This damages the benefits of tea.

Press the hot bag to the sore for about 10 minutes during each session. Use caution to not heat up the tea so high that you scald yourself. Smearing on your external remedy before the heat is smart, because the warmth will push it in.

These cold sore remedies work amazingly well for other sufferers and should work for you also. There are a few additional secret tactics that you should be aware of, but I felt you must have these immediately.

You are now in charge. The herpes virus does not have to be a burden on you. With these excellent ways for handling your outbreaks, you never again will have to lose money on over-priced salves and ointments.

You are smart to realize that you should continue uncovering and combining tactics. You have unique needs, causes and triggers. With simple digging and experimenting, you can put together your most powerful cure plan of remedies for cold sores.

You do not need to suffer from repeated cold sores ever again. Get started today.

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