Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cold Sore Symptoms - The Worst Part of Your Cold Sores

By Denny Bodoh

Cold sore symptoms? Read this short article if you would like to learn what to expect from your cold sore symptoms.

A lot of people are concerned if their cold sore symptoms are similar to what others suffer - and rightly so.

Below I would like to share with you the cold sore symptoms most people experience. Quite likely yours will be quite similar.

You will get some one-time cold sore symptoms when you first catch the herpes simplex virus. They are sore throat, fever, headaches and overall flu-like feeling. These symptoms only last about two or three days.

It is rare that you will get cold sores, fever blisters or oral herpes during first exposure.

Cold sores will appear only when the herpes virus re-activates. The sore will develop near the location of first infection. As long as the virus remains latent, you will not experience any symptoms.

The five most common cold sore symptoms follow.


Your first alert that an outbreak is about to occur is very slight and often missed. The place where the sore will appear may tingle, itch or just feel uncomfortable.

Your target area may feel dry. If you have lip balm, you will desire to use it.

You are aware that something is happening beneath the skin. The herpes simplex virus has awakened and moved to the surface. It is now entering the nerve cells there.

Applying ice, or anything cold, at this time will provide comfort. This great cold sore treatment could discourage the herpes simplex virus - or stop it completely.


First you may notice some hard little red bumps that are quite painful to the touch. Then the infected cells swell up as they fill with newly created virus.

Usually you will get a slight fever and headache during this time. Also, the under-jaw lymph gland on the side of your sore will swell up. This is one sign your body is fighting the infection.


The cells, once filled to capacity, burst open spilling out the new virus. All the broken cells form the open wound. A clear, thick fluid will weep from the sore to cleanse away the virus hoards.

This can be quite a painful period. The herpes simplex virus creates cold sores, fever blisters and oral herpes on the end of the nerves. When the sore bursts open, the nerve tips are exposed for a short time.

Also, this is the most contagious stage for cold sores. Millions of new viruses are looking for a new place or person to infect.


Once the sore breaks open, it begins the healing period. You should notice improvement every day now.

Your body will scab-over the wound, and starts to replace the damaged cells underneath. If the scab becomes dry, it will crack when you smile or chew. This hurts and can slow down the healing process.

Apply extra virgin olive oil to the scab to help keep it soft and prevent the cracking.


The crust will last approximately a week. When it finally disappears, there will be fresh new skin underneath.

But, you must still be careful.

You will notice redness to the area. This means it is still healing below the skin. There is still herpes simplex virus lurking around - making you contagious until the redness disappears.

Your lymph glands should no longer be swollen and quite close to normal again.

The final healing period seems to drag on forever. You are feeling much better and looking OK but are still infectious.

And, if you do not continue to be careful, cold sores can easily reoccur during this period.

There you have it. These are the most common cold sore symptoms. They should closely match your symptoms. If your symptoms are quite a bit different, then see your health care consultant.

Also, keep reading and researching. With what we know today, you should no longer have to suffer cold sore symptoms. There is some amazing cold sore treatment options that can possibly eliminate your cold sore symptoms.

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Straight Facts About Cold Sore Symptoms?

By Denny Bodoh

Amazingly, cold sore symptoms are quite easy to identify and generally follow the same pattern for everyone. Cold sores develop in stages. Each stage will have specific cold sore symptoms, which you will quickly see.

At the time you are first infected with the cold sore virus, you will get a particular set of cold sore symptoms that only occur once. Your symptoms may include headache, fever, swollen lymph glands. Also, a sore throat is quite common.

Your symptoms at this point will range from quite mild to severe. It is common to feel that you have caught the flu or a cold. They usually begin about 14 days after first infection and lasts about three to four days. Quite often you do not get a cold sore this first time.

NOTE: All cold sore symptoms are caused by active herpes simplex virus. This virus only becomes active to create new virus on the surface of your face. About 90% of the planet population carry the virus by the time they are 10 years old. Most of the time it is latent and hiding in the nerve cells deep within the nerve fibers.

You will never be bothered with cold sore symptoms when the herpes virus is latent. About a third of those infected will never experience an active cold sore. For the rest of us, we can expect a cold sore once every 8 months. Many folks will get six or more per year.

Your first cold sore symptom is an itching or tingling sensation in the cold sore target area. You may also notice a dryness or burning feeling. This is caused by the virus moving to the surface and entering the nerve cells to replicate. Sometimes these symptoms go unnoticed. Usually your cold sore is only a day or two away.

The next phase of your cold sore symptoms begin with swelling of the area. Small, red pimple like bumps appear. These can be quite painful to the touch. You may feel like you are coming down with the flu. Your symptoms could include slight fever, headaches, tiredness, and the start of some swelling in your lymph glands.

Your tiny hard bumps now swell, burst open and merge to form a large open ulcer. Other common symptoms at this point are headaches, flu-like fever and running nose. Because your cold sore is created on the end of a nerve fiber, this is a very painful period for you.

You will experience enlarged and painful lymph glands under the jaw. A highly contagious, clear fluid, loaded with new virus, will weep from the sore. At this point you can easily cause someone else to become infected - or infect another site on yourself.

Within a couple days a yellowish scab will form - beginning the healing process. You will find it still painful to touch it. Your scab can crack when you move your mouth causing a lot of pain. Your fever, headaches and swollen glands should be letting up now. Your cold sore will continue to itch as healing takes place.

Normally your scab will fall off in a few days. This will reveal new skin but healing will still be taking place beneath - which will continue to cause you itching and redness of the area for another week or two. Your fever and headaches should be about gone now. Your lymph glands should be greatly reduced.

During your final healing process, the cold sore could come back again. Keep using your best cold sore treatment during this time. If you are taking a vitamin supplement or lysine, keep doing so. This is the easiest time to get a repeat attach of a cold sore.

Sorry - there is so much more you should know that can prevent cold sores in your life, but I have run out of space right now. Please heed the following caution.

Cold sores can be spread quite easily to others or to other locations on yourself. Please be cautious as the cold sore virus is very contagious from the first tingle to the final disappearance of these cold sore symptoms.

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How To Get Rid of Cold Sores And Enjoy Cold Sore Freedom

By Denny Bodoh

How to get rid of cold sores is not difficult anymore. Read this short article now and you will know how to get rid of cold sores and oral herpes with little effort or trouble.

Knowing fully how to get rid of cold sores, especially with an upcoming event, can be essential. But, we have all seen those exaggerated claims about special ointments that are supposed to be the answer to how to get rid of cold sores.

We hope this one will be the magic cure. And we again are disappointed.

To understand how to get rid of cold sores, you really should first know what causes your cold sore. Once you understand the process, then it will be clear how the below methods work.

A cold sore event - also called a fever blister or oral herpes - is produced by the active herpes simplex virus. There are two versions - type 1 and type 2. The sores caused by either type are the same in all respects.

The herpes virus is highly contagious. Just about everyone in the world carries it - close to 90% of the population. When first entering your body, the herpes virus chooses a close-by nerve fiber as its home and will remain there for life.

For the most part, the herpes virus remains latent and does not cause sores. A third of the people with this virus will never develop a cold sore. The other two-thirds will usually get one or more sores per year.

When stress occurs in your life, your immunity becomes depressed. The herpes virus scurries along the nerve fiber, using it as a highway to the surface. There it will take control of millions of cells and turn them into virus factories.

Now swollen and jam-packed with new virus copies, the cells break open to release them. All these millions of broken cells create the oral herpes cold sore you see.

Healing now requires the creation of millions of new cells to replace those that were lost in the replication process.

Your metabolism level will determine how fast the cold sore will heal. Also needed are certain building materials such as vitamins, minerals and proteins.

The main purpose of this article is to learn how to get rid of cold sores that you are currently enduring. But, you will soon see how to actually prevent future oral herpes cold sore events before they happen.


Hours before a cold sore appears, you will feel the virus moving to the surface as a tingling, burning or itching sensation. Treating the target area in a timely manner often delays or discourages the oral herpes cold sore from fully developing.

Your best bet for a quick response is to apply ice - or other cold object. No matter where the symptoms strike, ice is usually available. Cold discourages the virus and can stop it dead in its tracks.


Your body knows how to get rid of cold sores. It creates a thick fluid that continuously washes away as much of the oral herpes virus as possible.

With your help now, you can greatly shorten healing time.

Continually cleansing the cold sore with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide will remove much of the virus. You will also reduce the chance of spreading the sore to another spot - or person.


Once the sore has burst open, do not use ice. It still gives much comfort but it will slow down healing. It is better to apply heat during the healing period. This brings more blood and oxygen to the area for faster healing.

Warm tea bags are an excellent way to apply heat to the wound. Plus tea contains ingredients that seriously help in repairing damaged cells. They are inexpensive so you should throw them away after use.

Boil the tea bags in water. Do not use the microwave as it will destroy the tea bag healing properties. The longer you apply heat to the wound, the quicker you will heal. 15 to 20 minute sessions are recommended.

I hope these methods will help you in knowing how to get rid of cold sores. Keep searching. New methods are coming out all the time that will give you a better insight how to get rid of cold sores in your life.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Herpes - Affects An estimated 80 Million Americans!

By Richard H Ealom

INTRODUCTION: Herpes is a very common infection caused by two different but closely related viruses. Simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and Simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). It infects the nervous system, altering the DNA of the nerve cells supplying the skin through which it entered. It may also play a role in the spread of HIV, the virus that is said to produce AIDS. The virus is spread by touching, kissing, and sexual intimacy, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. It is most contagious when sores are open and "weeping" until the scabs heal and fall off. Herpes is estimated to affect as many as 80 million Americans.

SYMPTOMS: include feeling like you have the flu and blisters that appear and then burst in the genital area, causing painful sores which may include burning feelings if urine flows over sores, unable to urinate if severe swelling of sores blocks the urethra, itching in the infected area.

Severe 1st episodes may have symptoms that include swollen, tender lymph glands in the groin, throat, and under the arms, fever, chills, headache, general feelings of malaise, achy, influenza-like feelings. Flare-ups usually heal in 10 days to 2 weeks. They may be more painful and last longer in women or men with illnesses that weaken the immune system like leukemia and HIV.

Outbreaks usually start with pain, tenderness, or itching in the genital area and may also include fever and headache. Avoid physical contact with the area from the time of the 1st symptoms (tingling, itching, burning) until all sores are totally healed, not just scabbed-over.

SORES: The first outbreak usually occurs within two weeks after transmission, and the sores typically heal within two to four weeks. They may also show up inside the mouth, but this usually only happens the first time oral symptoms appear. Also it is possible to get genital herpes from cold sores. Other signs and symptoms during the primary episode may include a second crop of sores, and flu-like symptoms, including fever and swollen glands. Genital herpes can cause recurrent painful sores in many adults, and infections can be severe in people with suppressed immune systems. There may be some early warning signs before an outbreak occurs such as tingling, burning, or itching where sores were before.

TREATMENT: There is no known cure for the disease, but antiviral medications can shorten and prevent outbreaks during the period of time the person takes the medication. Treatment should begin at the first signs of an outbreak for best results as far as duration and healing are concern. Should it begin before the lesions appear, it is possible that the outbreak can be averted. Recently valacyclovir was released to be used as a three day treatment for recurrent outbreaks of genital herpes. This is an effective approach that achieves the highest blood levels of medication available.

CONCLUSION: Herpes is an infection that is produced by a simplex virus. It can make people more susceptible to HIV infection, and it can make HIV-infected persons more infectious. It is contagious if the carrier is producing and shedding virus and can cause a wide range of signs and symptoms. Some are dramatic and fairly easy to recognize; others are subtle and may be ignored or confused with another ailment. The Virus is very contagious and can be passed from person to person through any kind of unprotected sex.

Studies indicate that more than 500,000 Americans are diagnosed with genital herpes every year, and the greatest increase is occurring in young teenagers. Efforts to produce a vaccine by biotechnology companies are ongoing. There is no cure to date.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How To Get Rid of Cold Sores - Strong Cold Sore Medicine

By Denny Bodoh

How to get rid of cold sores? In a couple minutes you will know how to get rid of cold sores, fever blisters and oral herpes using medically sound and well proven home remedies.

Knowing fully how to get rid of cold sores, especially with an upcoming event, can be essential. But, we have all seen those exaggerated claims about special ointments that are supposed to be the answer to how to get rid of cold sores.

You buy it and discover yet another product that does not live up to the claims.

To understand how to get rid of cold sores, you really should first know what causes your cold sore. Once you understand the process, then it will be clear how the below methods work.

The main cause of a cold sore - or fever blisters or oral herpes - is the herpes simplex virus, type 1 or type 2. Both types cause the exact same sores.

The herpes virus is highly contagious. Just about everyone in the world carries it - close to 90% of the population. When first entering your body, the herpes virus chooses a close-by nerve fiber as its home and will remain there for life.

For the most part, the herpes virus remains latent and does not cause sores. A third of the people with this virus will never develop a cold sore. The other two-thirds will usually get one or more sores per year.

Stress reduces your immunity, allowing the herpes virus to worm its way to your skin surface. Once there, the virus takes control of the nerve cells and makes them create new virus particles.

Now swollen and jam-packed with new virus copies, the cells break open to release them. All these millions of broken cells create the oral herpes cold sore you see.

Healing now requires the creation of millions of new cells to replace those that were lost in the replication process.

Your metabolism level will determine how fast the cold sore will heal. Also needed are certain building materials such as vitamins, minerals and proteins.

It is the main focus here to show you how to get rid of cold sores that you are suffering with right now. But, you will also discover what you can do in your life to prevent future outbreaks.


Hours before a cold sore appears, you will feel the virus moving to the surface as a tingling, burning or itching sensation. Treating the target area in a timely manner often delays or discourages the oral herpes cold sore from fully developing.

Apply cold as soon as possible. Ice is available anywhere and usually free. The sooner you apply ice, the better the chance of stopping the cold sore cold.


Your body knows how to get rid of cold sores. It creates a thick fluid that continuously washes away as much of the oral herpes virus as possible.

With your help now, you can greatly shorten healing time.

You should wash the sore as often as practical. By cleansing with alcohol soaked cotton balls or tissues, you will aid your body in ridding itself of these new viruses. With this action, you will also help prevent a secondary infection.


Once the sore has burst open, do not use ice. It still gives much comfort but it will slow down healing. It is better to apply heat during the healing period. This brings more blood and oxygen to the area for faster healing.

Hot tea bags are perfect for this cold sore treatment. Black tea bags are cheap and convenient. Tea also provides micro-nutrients that aid in cell protection and repair. Use once and throw away.

You must heat up the bags in water for best performance. The microwave weakens the healing nutrients in tea. Use a minimum of 15 minutes on the sore per session. The longer you apply heat, the quicker the results.

I hope these methods will help you in knowing how to get rid of cold sores. Keep searching. New methods are coming out all the time that will give you a better insight how to get rid of cold sores in your life.

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Home Treatments For Cold Sores

By Lindelwa Maseko

Also known as fever blisters, cold sores form due to a viral infection affecting the skin and the nervous system. This is usually caused by herpes virus which is transmittable by behavior and hibernates in the body till it receives a stimulus to get active. This may sometimes be confused with impetigo, which shows up between the nose and upper lip. Canker sores on the contrary are ulcers which do not spread and grows in the soft tissues of the oral cavity which are free from sore development.

Good hand washing when a cold sore is present will help prevent the spread of the infection. The drug called acyclovir (Zovirax) may help shorten the length of the outbreak. Effective management could involve using topical creams, ointments and at times drugs which belong to the antiviral category like acyclovir or famciclovir. Prompt and effective pain relief is available from paracetamol or applying witch hazel locally on the sore. This skin medication acts also as an anesthetic. Ensure having a balanced diet which is full of vitamins A, C, E, zinc and iron so that your immune system gets more powerful. It is also wise to keep away from foods which are to salty or spicy or which encourage acidity and drinks which can further provoke the sores.

To arrest the development avoid salty and spicy foods. Some of the foods where you need to have only limited quantities include chocolates, peanuts, grains, peas, seeds, oatmeal and whole-wheat rich in arginine. Schedule your diet plan in such a way that there is no consumption of tea or coffee and your foods are all rich in vitamins.

Take some ice and rub it on the sore for a few minutes and do this again every hour and this is one of the very effective home remedies for the management of cold sores. You may even use tea bags on the sore area for a few minutes and then doing it over again every hour. You can also consider pressing a warm tea bag on the blisters for approximately 30 minutes.

For effective relief put witch hazel on the sores. If outdoors during daytime, apply sunscreen on lips to take care from cold sores created by the sun and prevent re-appearance.

The following should be mixed 100ml of coconut oil, 2ml of disinfectant, and 3ml of carbolic acid. Some even suggest this for boils and mosquito bites.

Consider having a drink made up of tea tree oil, herbal sage and violet which is supposed to be one of the best home remedies for cold sores. Mix all these with a few sage leaves and ginger powder and put them in a cup of boiling water. Drink this 2-3 times a day and within a couple of days your cold sore will disappear.

If nothing of these works, take 3 acidophilus pills twice a day in the morning and evening and see it getting cleared. For people who very often suffer from sores taking 2 pills a day is recommended. While this list of home remedies for cold sores may not carry all the methods, but they are some of the more commonly used.

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