Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Straight Facts About Cold Sore Symptoms?

By Denny Bodoh

Amazingly, cold sore symptoms are quite easy to identify and generally follow the same pattern for everyone. Cold sores develop in stages. Each stage will have specific cold sore symptoms, which you will quickly see.

At the time you are first infected with the cold sore virus, you will get a particular set of cold sore symptoms that only occur once. Your symptoms may include headache, fever, swollen lymph glands. Also, a sore throat is quite common.

Your symptoms at this point will range from quite mild to severe. It is common to feel that you have caught the flu or a cold. They usually begin about 14 days after first infection and lasts about three to four days. Quite often you do not get a cold sore this first time.

NOTE: All cold sore symptoms are caused by active herpes simplex virus. This virus only becomes active to create new virus on the surface of your face. About 90% of the planet population carry the virus by the time they are 10 years old. Most of the time it is latent and hiding in the nerve cells deep within the nerve fibers.

You will never be bothered with cold sore symptoms when the herpes virus is latent. About a third of those infected will never experience an active cold sore. For the rest of us, we can expect a cold sore once every 8 months. Many folks will get six or more per year.

Your first cold sore symptom is an itching or tingling sensation in the cold sore target area. You may also notice a dryness or burning feeling. This is caused by the virus moving to the surface and entering the nerve cells to replicate. Sometimes these symptoms go unnoticed. Usually your cold sore is only a day or two away.

The next phase of your cold sore symptoms begin with swelling of the area. Small, red pimple like bumps appear. These can be quite painful to the touch. You may feel like you are coming down with the flu. Your symptoms could include slight fever, headaches, tiredness, and the start of some swelling in your lymph glands.

Your tiny hard bumps now swell, burst open and merge to form a large open ulcer. Other common symptoms at this point are headaches, flu-like fever and running nose. Because your cold sore is created on the end of a nerve fiber, this is a very painful period for you.

You will experience enlarged and painful lymph glands under the jaw. A highly contagious, clear fluid, loaded with new virus, will weep from the sore. At this point you can easily cause someone else to become infected - or infect another site on yourself.

Within a couple days a yellowish scab will form - beginning the healing process. You will find it still painful to touch it. Your scab can crack when you move your mouth causing a lot of pain. Your fever, headaches and swollen glands should be letting up now. Your cold sore will continue to itch as healing takes place.

Normally your scab will fall off in a few days. This will reveal new skin but healing will still be taking place beneath - which will continue to cause you itching and redness of the area for another week or two. Your fever and headaches should be about gone now. Your lymph glands should be greatly reduced.

During your final healing process, the cold sore could come back again. Keep using your best cold sore treatment during this time. If you are taking a vitamin supplement or lysine, keep doing so. This is the easiest time to get a repeat attach of a cold sore.

Sorry - there is so much more you should know that can prevent cold sores in your life, but I have run out of space right now. Please heed the following caution.

Cold sores can be spread quite easily to others or to other locations on yourself. Please be cautious as the cold sore virus is very contagious from the first tingle to the final disappearance of these cold sore symptoms.

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