Friday, December 26, 2008

Cold Sores Herpes - Top Facts About Your Cold Sore

By Denny Bodoh

Do you have cold sore questions? Then this article is just for you. Read it and discover many amazing facts about cold sores and what you can do about them.


Cold sores come at the most inconvenient times. Painful and ugly, cold sores really hurt your social life.

Cold Sores are the exact same sore as fever blisters and oral herpes. They appear and reappear at the site of initial infection. The lip area is the most frequent infection site.

The herpes simplex virus is the parasite virus that causes cold sores. A cold sore is actually the side effect of the herpes replication process.

When this virus first infects you, it will choose a nerve set nearest its entry point. It will reside in that nerve for life. All cold sores caused by this virus family will be in the same location every time - on the end of that nerve.


Normally latent, the herpes simplex virus hides in the root area of its nerve home. Should it get the opportunity, the virus will rush to the surface along its nerve and penetrate nerve cells there.

Herpes virus cannot reproduce on its own - like bacteria does. It is the host cells that create the new virus particles. The virus will enter your surface nerve cells and force them to build virus clones.

The cold sore area will swell up as the cells fill up with the new virus particles. Once full, the cells burst open to release tons of this fresh herpes virus.

The destruction of many cells close together causes the open cold sore. These cold are quite painful to the touch because the nerve tips are exposed.


The herpes simplex virus is a tiny, sub-microscopic particle. It enters the body through contact with your soft tissue - like lips. If you have a skin crack, it will enter there too. You are very contagious during the entire event.

Kissing is the usual way to pass on this virus. Contaminated fingers are also a common culprit. Please use every means to protect yourself and others. Use alcohol soaked tissues to cleanse the sore. Wash your hands afterwards.

You can spread the cold sore to any place on your body. You can get cold sores on your fingers, arm or cheek if the virus gets through a crack or other sore to the soft tissue. These can be more painful than common lip sores.

Do not infect your eyes. Cold sores in the eyes can happen and it often permanently affects the vision.

Nearly 90% of folks on earth carry the herpes simplex virus. The majority of these people will get a sore at least once a year - and usually a lot more.


Stress is the most common reason that the herpes virus becomes active. Under stress, your hormones change, causing an acid pH balance. The herpes simplex virus does very well when your body is in an acid state.

Your body knows how to heal cold sores and oral herpes without a bit of help from you. But it can take three to four weeks. A good, natural cold sore treatment plan can cut the duration time by 70%.

Your best bet for effective cold sore treatment is still by using natural remedies. They usually work better than prescription and over-the-counter options.

Some of the best cold sore treatment tactics include lysine, garlic oil and zinc. Although lysine and zinc work best internally (supplements), all three can be used topically as well.

Constant cleansing of the cold sore area using alcohol or hydrogen peroxide is critical care too.

No doubt about it - oral herpes cold sores damage your social life as well as your lip. Yes, they are hard to cope with. But now, with the knowledge you have just gained, you are much more prepared for the next battle.

You need to try different cold sore treatment methods to discover the best one for you. Then you too can be cold sore free for the rest of your life. - 14018

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Causes Of Cold Sores - Stop Repeated Cold Sore Attacks

By Denny Bodoh

What are the main causes of cold sores? In this short article you will discover the most common cold sore sources. What is the secret cause of cold sores for you?

You may have heard of these as causes of cold sores - physical and mental stress, fever, sun and cold weather. They are not the direct causes of cold sores however.

They are cold sore triggers. People believe these are causes of cold sores because you will generally get an outbreak soon after you experience one of these triggers.

These triggers will lower your body's resistance to cold sore attacks.

The herpes simplex virus (type one or type two) is responsible for every cold sore, fever blister or oral herpes outbreak. It hides dormant in the roots of your nerves.

Under the right conditions, the herpes virus becomes active, moving to the surface. There it enters the nerve cells - destroying them as it creates new virus.

Since the herpes virus lives in the nervous system, it can sense the slightest changes in your body caused by the cold sore triggers mentioned above.

Here are the top three causes of cold sores. These conditions of your body will encourage cold sore virus activity.


Your body's pH has a lot to do with your health. The pH scale is a measure of how acid or alkaline you are. On a scale of 1 to 14, below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline. For best health you should be slightly alkaline.

As long as your body is alkaline (above 7pH) you will rarely get a cold sore. Should your pH drop into the acid zone, the herpes virus could easily activate. Of all the causes of cold sores, this is the top one.

Stress causes cold sores because it causes an acid change in your body. Illness, injury and winter weather also can lower your pH level. These triggers cause hormone and protein changes that create an acid environment.

Your diet can also be a cause of cold sores. Carbonated drinks and high intake of beef and pork are popular offenders that will push you into an acid pH. Most vegetables will raise your pH to the alkaline side. Balance your diet.

Without a doubt, a low pH is the main cause of cold sores. The next two are also causes of cold sores. Combining these with a low pH makes you a sure target for another cold sore.


Arginine is a protein and the main ingredient used for creation of the herpes simplex virus. If no arginine is available, the herpes replication process cannot occur and no cold sore will happen.

Arginine is stored in the nerve cells. Lysine also is stored there. When you flood your cells with lysine, the cells will get rid of some of the arginine to make room to store the lysine.

Lysine will not work for creating new herpes virus. Lysine cannot cause cold sores. Replacing arginine with lysine in your cells will greatly reduce cold sore frequency and duration.

Taking lysine supplements is the most common way folks get enough lysine to prevent cold sores.


The power of your immune system - and the strength of your antibodies - is dependant on the nutrients you take in. In particular you need proper quantities of minerals and vitamins.

A weak immune system causes cold sores. Getting high levels of vitamins and minerals from both diet and supplements is the wise choice in preventing oral herpes cold sore outbreaks.

Even the American Medical Association agrees that today we do not get optimum quantities of essential vitamins and minerals from food alone. You should also be taking a premium quality multi-vitamin supplement every day.

Especially important is calcium. Cold sore victims are often calcium deficient. Your body uses calcium to help keep your body in an alkaline state.

Of all the causes of cold sores, an acid pH is number one. A lot of arginine in your cells, along with a weakened immune system contributes even more to the problem.

When you experience any stress, your body will tend toward the acid side. It also makes your immune system much weaker by consuming massive amounts of critical vitamins and minerals.

There is more you should know but hopefully, this article has helped you discover, and eliminate, the main causes of cold sores in your life. - 14018

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Friday, December 12, 2008

How To Get Rid of Cold Sores

Cold sores or fever blisters, as they are sometimes called are caused by viral infection which strikes the skin and nervous system. They are usually caused by herpes virus, which can lay dormant in the body and becomes active later when something triggers it - and they're contagious. The color of the impetigo fluid is like honey and it looks cloudy. A kind of ulcers, canker sores which are not infectious and they grow in the soft tissues of the mouth which is devoid of sores.

Good hand washing when a cold sore is present will help prevent the spread of the infection. The drug called acyclovir (Zovirax) may help shorten the length of the outbreak. Effective management could involve using topical creams, ointments and at times drugs which belong to the antiviral category like acyclovir or famciclovir. Prompt and effective pain relief is available from paracetamol or applying witch hazel locally on the sore. This skin medication acts also as an anesthetic. Ensure having a balanced diet which is full of vitamins A, C, E, zinc and iron so that your immune system gets more powerful. It is also wise to keep away from foods which are to salty or spicy or which encourage acidity and drinks which can further provoke the sores.

o fend off the ailment do with out salty or spicy foods. It is best to have no or very moderate quantum of foods which are as follows: chocolates, peanuts, grains, peas, seeds, oatmeal and whole-wheat rich in arginine. Go completely without tea and coffee and make your diet vitamin-rich.

Take some ice and rub it on the sore for a few minutes and do this again every hour and this is one of the very effective home remedies for the management of cold sores. You may even use tea bags on the sore area for a few minutes and then doing it over again every hour. You can also consider pressing a warm tea bag on the blisters for approximately 30 minutes.

Witch hazel application on sores can yield very satisfactory relief. Sun can also induce cold sores so when outdoors take care by using sunscreen on the lips to prevent another outbreak.

Help from coconut oil: mix the following ingredients 100ml of coconut oil, 2ml of disinfectant, and 3ml of carbolic acid. While some people recommend this for boils and mosquito bites, for cold sores apply this 2 times daily directly on the cold sores.

Consider having a drink made up of tea tree oil, herbal sage and violet which is supposed to be one of the best home remedies for cold sores. Mix all these with a few sage leaves and ginger powder and put them in a cup of boiling water. Drink this 2-3 times a day and within a couple of days your cold sore will disappear.

If nothing seems to be working for you, try 3 acidophilus pills twice a day in the morning and evening for rapid action. When sores bother you often try taking 2 pills a day. Though this list of home remedies for cold sores is not complete, but many of the frequently used methods nevertheless. - 14018

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Causes Of Cold Sores - You Can Have Cold Sore Freedom

By Denny Bodoh

Want to know the primary causes of cold sores? Read this quick article. You will uncover the top three sources and you will likely learn what the causes of cold sores are in your life.

There are many causes of cold sores that you hear about. Stress, illness, injury and winter weather are a few. They are not the actual causes of cold sores however.

Think of these as cold sore triggers. They are not causes of cold sores but will bring one about - as explained in a minute.

What they actually do is change your body in such a way as to encourage the activation of the cold sore virus.

The herpes simplex virus (type one or type two) is responsible for every cold sore, fever blister or oral herpes outbreak. It hides dormant in the roots of your nerves.

When your body conditions are right, the herpes virus moves to the surface along the nerve, enters the nerve cells there and destroys them as it creates new virus.

Because the herpes simplex virus hides in the nerve cells, it can pick up on the slightest change in your physical condition. The triggers mentioned earlier cause these changes.

Here are the three main conditions of your body that will help activate the otherwise dormant cold sore virus. These are the basic causes of cold sores.

1. LOW pH.

The acid or alkaline state of your body is its pH balance. The pH scale runs from 1 through 14 - below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline. Your optimal pH is 7.35, which is slightly alkaline.

You usually will not get any cold sore as long as you stay above 7 pH. If your pH drops below 7 you are becoming acid. Oxygen in your cells drop and you are inviting a cold sore outbreak. This is one of the main causes of cold sores.

Stress creates hormone changes that lower your pH balance. By doing this, stress causes cold sores. Colds, flu and frigid weather stress the body - also lowering pH. These are claimed to be causes of cold sores.

Your diet can also be a cause of cold sores. Carbonated drinks and high intake of beef and pork are popular offenders that will push you into an acid pH. Most vegetables will raise your pH to the alkaline side. Balance your diet.

Without a doubt, a low pH is the main cause of cold sores. The next two are also causes of cold sores. Combining these with a low pH makes you a sure target for another cold sore.


Arginine is the main protein building block for the herpes simplex virus. If arginine is not available, your cells cannot create new herpes virus - and no cold sore will occur. This is true even if you have an acid pH balance.

Your cells have a special area within the cell to store arginine. Lysine is also stored in the same area. If you take in high levels of lysine, your cells will make room for it by getting rid of some arginine.

Your cells cannot use lysine to create new herpes virus or cause cold sores. The more arginine you replace with lysine, the fewer cold sore outbreaks you will experience.

Lysine capsules are a cheap and convenient way to get the quantities of lysine needed for your cold sore healing and prevention.


The strength of your immune system, and the anti-body soldiers, is dependent on several factors. The most important of which is proper quantities of vitamins and minerals.

A feeble immune system causes cold sores. It would be wise, especially if you get frequent cold sore outbreaks, to get a good supply of vitamins and minerals from food and supplement every day.

Even the American Medical Association agrees that today we do not get optimum quantities of essential vitamins and minerals from food alone. You should also be taking a premium quality multi-vitamin supplement every day.

Look for high amounts of calcium. Calcium is the one key mineral in keeping your body in an alkaline condition.

As you have discovered in this article, the main causes of cold sores are an acid pH, high levels of arginine in your cells and a weak immune system.

When you experience any stress, your body will tend toward the acid side. It also makes your immune system much weaker by consuming massive amounts of critical vitamins and minerals.

Keep in mind that all cold sore triggers ultimately lead to these primary causes of cold sores. Eliminate these and you will not get cold sore outbreaks. - 14018

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Monday, December 8, 2008

Causes Of Cold Sores - Why You Get A Cold Sore

By Denny Bodoh

Want to know the primary causes of cold sores? Read this quick article. You will uncover the top three sources and you will likely learn what the causes of cold sores are in your life.

There are many causes of cold sores that you hear about. Stress, illness, injury and winter weather are a few. They are not the actual causes of cold sores however.

Think of these as cold sore triggers. They are not causes of cold sores but will bring one about - as explained in a minute.

These triggers cause your body to change and be less resistant to the cold sore virus.

The herpes simplex virus (type one or type two) is responsible for every cold sore, fever blister or oral herpes outbreak. It hides dormant in the roots of your nerves.

If the herpes virus activates it moves to the surface quickly. It then infects the nerve cells and begins replicating - destroying those cells in the process.

Since the herpes virus lives in the nervous system, it can sense the slightest changes in your body caused by the cold sore triggers mentioned above.

Here are the three main conditions of your body that will help activate the otherwise dormant cold sore virus. These are the basic causes of cold sores.

1. ACID pH.

The pH balance of your body is a measure of your acidity or alkalinity. This pH scale ranges from 1 to 14 with 7 being neutral. Below 7 is acid, above 7 is alkaline. Ideal pH for optimum health is 7.4 pH - slightly alkaline.

As long as your body is alkaline (above 7pH) you will rarely get a cold sore. Should your pH drop into the acid zone, the herpes virus could easily activate. Of all the causes of cold sores, this is the top one.

Stress lowers your pH levels toward the acid side. This is why they say stress causes cold sores. Fevers, cold weather and sun exposure also can cause your body to become acid - and are also considered causes of cold sores.

What you eat also causes cold sores for you. Coffee, soda and beer will acidify your body. So does sugar, pork and white flour. Most vegetables help keep your body alkaline. The key here is to balance your diet.

Although an acid pH may be the main cause of cold sores, the next two triggers are also causes of cold sores - especially when combined with a low pH.


It is the creation of new herpes virus that causes cold sores. Arginine is the protein needed to create this new virus. Without arginine, a cold sore cannot occur - even if your body is very acid.

Arginine is stored in the nerve cells. Lysine also is stored there. When you flood your cells with lysine, the cells will get rid of some of the arginine to make room to store the lysine.

Lysine will not work for creating new herpes virus. Lysine cannot cause cold sores. Replacing arginine with lysine in your cells will greatly reduce cold sore frequency and duration.

Most people who use lysine for preventing and healing cold sore eruptions use handy lysine supplements. They are cheap, easy to find and safe.


The spark plugs of life are the vitamins and minerals you consume each day. Your immunity to disease critically depends on these nutrients.

A drop in immune strength makes weak antibodies and causes cold sores. Your best bet for treating and preventing cold sore events is to take in vitamins and minerals from quality food and supplements daily.

Even the American Medical Association agrees that today we do not get optimum quantities of essential vitamins and minerals from food alone. You should also be taking a premium quality multi-vitamin supplement every day.

Look for high amounts of calcium. Calcium is the one key mineral in keeping your body in an alkaline condition.

Now you know the truth. The primary causes of cold sores are a low pH balance, large amounts of stored arginine and a poor immune system with weak antibodies.

Stress of any sort lowers your pH balance to an acid environment. And stress, both physical and mental, will burn up large amount of vitamins thus weakening your immune system.

There may be many cold sore triggers, and much more you can do, but without a doubt these are the main causes of cold sores in most people. - 14018

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What Are The Causes Of Cold Sores And Cold Sore Misery?

By Denny Bodoh

What are the causes of cold sores? This article will tell you quickly. You will learn the main reasons for a cold sore. You will quickly identify the causes of cold sores for yourself.

Many claim that stress, illness and injury are the causes of cold sores. These are not the true causes of cold sores that you need to know about right now.

We call these cold sore triggers. Folks claim these are causes of cold sores because you often get a cold sore along with them.

These triggers will lower your body's resistance to cold sore attacks.

Basically, every cold sore, oral herpes or fever blister ulcer is caused by the herpes simplex virus - type 1 or type 2. It hides in your nerve root cells.

When your body conditions are right, the herpes virus moves to the surface along the nerve, enters the nerve cells there and destroys them as it creates new virus.

Because the herpes simplex virus hides in the nerve cells, it can pick up on the slightest change in your physical condition. The triggers mentioned earlier cause these changes.

Here are the three main conditions of your body that will help activate the otherwise dormant cold sore virus. These are the basic causes of cold sores.

1. ACID pH.

The pH balance of your body is a measure of your acidity or alkalinity. This pH scale ranges from 1 to 14 with 7 being neutral. Below 7 is acid, above 7 is alkaline. Ideal pH for optimum health is 7.4 pH - slightly alkaline.

As long as your body is alkaline (above 7pH) you will rarely get a cold sore. Should your pH drop into the acid zone, the herpes virus could easily activate. Of all the causes of cold sores, this is the top one.

Stress lowers your pH levels toward the acid side. This is why they say stress causes cold sores. Fevers, cold weather and sun exposure also can cause your body to become acid - and are also considered causes of cold sores.

Coffee, soda and alcohol lower pH and causes cold sores in many people. Meats like pork and beef will do so also. Most vegetables are alkaline when digested. You must keep your diet in balance to prevent a cold sore event.

Of all the causes of cold sores, an acid pH is top of the list. The next two are also key players in creating a cold sore.


It is the creation of new herpes virus that causes cold sores. Arginine is the protein needed to create this new virus. Without arginine, a cold sore cannot occur - even if your body is very acid.

Your cells have a special area within the cell to store arginine. Lysine is also stored in the same area. If you take in high levels of lysine, your cells will make room for it by getting rid of some arginine.

Lysine will not work for creating new herpes virus. Lysine cannot cause cold sores. Replacing arginine with lysine in your cells will greatly reduce cold sore frequency and duration.

Most people who use lysine for preventing and healing cold sore eruptions use handy lysine supplements. They are cheap, easy to find and safe.


The spark plugs of life are the vitamins and minerals you consume each day. Your immunity to disease critically depends on these nutrients.

A weak immune system causes cold sores. Getting high levels of vitamins and minerals from both diet and supplements is the wise choice in preventing oral herpes cold sore outbreaks.

Today we do not get enough vitamins and minerals from food alone. Even the American Medical Association agrees. If you are serious about avoiding cold sore outbreaks, take the highest quality multi-vitamin you can find.

Calcium is very high importance in cold sore avoidance. It is the main mineral used by your body to keep your body alkaline. Cold sore victims should take large doses of calcium.

Now you know the truth. The primary causes of cold sores are a low pH balance, large amounts of stored arginine and a poor immune system with weak antibodies.

Stress, mental or physical, causes your body to go into an acid state. Stress also uses up a lot of vitamins and minerals, which weakens your immune system.

Keep in mind that all cold sore triggers ultimately lead to these primary causes of cold sores. Eliminate these and you will not get cold sore outbreaks. - 14018

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Scar-Free Skin Healing With Aromatherapy

By Peggy Thorton

Trends in health and beauty are placing more trust in the efficacy of natural and organic ingredients. Skin care is no exception, with more women coming to realize the purity of what they put on their skin is as important as that of what they eat. The skin is the largest organ, and is generally permeable to substances placed on it. This is particularly important in healing wounds, for the skin may be broken and more sensitive. Enter essential oils; these powerful plant derived medicines have been used for many years for treating skin conditions, enhancing beauty and promoting wellness. Oils have been found particularly useful for regenerating skin that has suffered from accidents or surgery, or has their remaining signs in the form of keloid, acne, or other scars. Certain essential oil blends can speed healing time, reduce or eliminate scars from recent wounds and even greatly diminish the appearance of old ones.

Certain essential oils are often used for healing and regeneration of skin tissues. We'll review these and their companion carrier oils, then present some formulas for particular situations. The first of these essential oils is Helichrysum Italicum, an oil with an earthy aroma, distilled from the small flowers of an herb native to the Mediterranean region. This is the premier oil called for where the skin is in need of regeneration, and where inflammation may be present. Helichrysum is unique in that it contains 'di-ketones'; a class of molecules that signal the skin to regenerate. It is also often used for bruising and impact related injuries.

Helichrysum essential oil is the cornerstone for many blends for healing the skin, and is the only one necessary for supporting currently healing skin damage - it should be used at appropriate concentrations with Rosehip Seed and Hazelnut oils, as mentioned later in this article. As noted by well-known aromatherapists Kurt Schnaubelt, "The triple unsaturated fatty acids (of Rosehip Seed oil) strengthen the cell membranes and, combined with the regnerative qualities of Everlasting oil (Helichrysum), heal wounds with minimal or no scarring".

As mentioned above, Lavender is often included in skin care blends - it has gentle anti-inflammatory and tissue regenerative properties, along with very soothing, anti-anxiety aroma. Lavender essential oil itself began the modern aromatherapy revolution when a scientist burned his hand in a laboratory accident, and after cooling the wound in a beaker of Lavender found the wound to heal remarkably quickly. It is also thought to 'synergize' or improve the efficacy of other essential oils in combination.

The essential oil distilled from the leaves of common Sage is included in blends where the wounds are old - where the healing happened some time ago and has left some unsightly scarring. This can work on keloid scars, acne scars, etc., though application need be regular and should continue for 3 to 6 months. The sage oil is included in essence to break up the scar tissue and to stimulate regeneration with it's powerful components. Sage oil should be used with great care and in small amounts. While it is called for in formulas for stretch marks, it should only be use after pregnancy, and not during by expectant mothers.

Rosemary will be the final essential oil we'll mention here for scar treatment. For the skin, Rosemary of the Verbenone chemotype has many important properties - it contains regenerative ketone molecules, and stimulates cellular metabolism. This oil helps new skin form, bringing nutrients into the cells and supports the removing toxins and wastes.

All these oils but Lavender should be diluted in a carrier before use (Lavender CAN be used directly on the skin, but will be used in diluted form in the following blends). Many studies have shown the great efficacy of essential oils at low concentrations - so in Aromatherapy, 'less is more' is a general rule. Two highly regarded carrier or 'base' oils used for skin treatment are Rosehip seed, cold-pressed from a plant native to the mountain regions of South America, and Hazelnut oil, which is suitable for all skin types. These oils will help the essential oils absorb into the skin, and can provide their own nutritive properties. Rosehip seed contains a wealth of fatty acids, plus a compound similar in action to the pharmaceutical preparation 'Retin A'. without the drying side effects. Hazelnut oil has mild astringent properties, and will not leave the skin feeling greasy. It is appropriate even for acne prone skin.

Now for the recipes. For effective wound healing of recent cuts and scrapes (and has been used successfully on surgical incisions), to 1 ounce Hazelnut oil and 1 ounce Rosehip seed oil add 1 milliliter of Helichrysum essential oil and 1 milliliter of Lavender essential oil - apply twice a day for 7 to 10 days. For older scars from wounds or acne, including keloid scars, replace the Lavender in the previous recipe with Sage essential oil. Apply regularly for 3 to 6 months. For the healing of stretch marks, post partum, use 1 ounce Rosehip seed and 1 ounce Hazelnut oil with 1 milliliter Sage essential oil and 2 milliliters with Rosemary Verbenone essential oil; again use for 3 to 6 months.

This is a summary of a particular aspect of using essential oils for natural health, wellness and beauty. These are effective, tried and true recipes used for their specific, wound healing applications. With some research, you will find there are wonderful recipes using essential oils for a broad range of skin care applications - they work, and they're heavenly to use! As with all aromatherapy use, go slowly, watch for any (rare) skin reactions, and remember that less is more with essential oils - almost all have been noted to work in very low, well tolerated concentrations. - 14018

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Monday, December 1, 2008

What Are The Primary Causes Of Cold Sores In Your Life?

By Denny Bodoh

What are the main causes of cold sores? In this short article you will discover the most common cold sore sources. What is the secret cause of cold sores for you?

You may have heard of these as causes of cold sores - physical and mental stress, fever, sun and cold weather. They are not the direct causes of cold sores however.

Think of these as cold sore triggers. They are not causes of cold sores but will bring one about - as explained in a minute.

These triggers cause your body to change and be less resistant to the cold sore virus.

The herpes simplex virus brings about any cold sore, fever blister or oral herpes event. Normally this virus hides deep in the root cells of your facial nerves.

Under the right conditions, the herpes virus becomes active, moving to the surface. There it enters the nerve cells - destroying them as it creates new virus.

Because the herpes simplex virus hides in the nerve cells, it can pick up on the slightest change in your physical condition. The triggers mentioned earlier cause these changes.

Here are the three main conditions of your body that will help activate the otherwise dormant cold sore virus. These are the basic causes of cold sores.

1. ACID pH.

The pH balance of your body is a measure of your acidity or alkalinity. This pH scale ranges from 1 to 14 with 7 being neutral. Below 7 is acid, above 7 is alkaline. Ideal pH for optimum health is 7.4 pH - slightly alkaline.

As long as you stay above 7 pH, you will not likely get a cold sore. When your pH dips into the acid range - below 7 - your tissue oxygen levels drop and you are ripe for a cold sore outbreak. This is what causes cold sores in most people.

Stress causes cold sores because it causes an acid change in your body. Illness, injury and winter weather also can lower your pH level. These triggers cause hormone and protein changes that create an acid environment.

What you eat also causes cold sores for you. Coffee, soda and beer will acidify your body. So does sugar, pork and white flour. Most vegetables help keep your body alkaline. The key here is to balance your diet.

Of all the causes of cold sores, an acid pH is top of the list. The next two are also key players in creating a cold sore.


Arginine is the main protein building block for the herpes simplex virus. If arginine is not available, your cells cannot create new herpes virus - and no cold sore will occur. This is true even if you have an acid pH balance.

Your cells have a special area within the cell to store arginine. Lysine is also stored in the same area. If you take in high levels of lysine, your cells will make room for it by getting rid of some arginine.

Lysine is a protein that will not cause cold sores. The more lysine stored in your cells, the less arginine will be available. This prevents oral herpes cold sore outbreaks.

Lysine capsules are a cheap and convenient way to get the quantities of lysine needed for your cold sore healing and prevention.


The power of your immune system - and the strength of your antibodies - is dependant on the nutrients you take in. In particular you need proper quantities of minerals and vitamins.

A weak immune system causes cold sores. Getting high levels of vitamins and minerals from both diet and supplements is the wise choice in preventing oral herpes cold sore outbreaks.

Even the American Medical Association agrees that today we do not get optimum quantities of essential vitamins and minerals from food alone. You should also be taking a premium quality multi-vitamin supplement every day.

Especially important is calcium. Cold sore victims are often calcium deficient. Your body uses calcium to help keep your body in an alkaline state.

Of all the causes of cold sores, an acid pH is number one. A lot of arginine in your cells, along with a weakened immune system contributes even more to the problem.

Stress, mental or physical, causes your body to go into an acid state. Stress also uses up a lot of vitamins and minerals, which weakens your immune system.

There may be many cold sore triggers, and much more you can do, but without a doubt these are the main causes of cold sores in most people. - 14018

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