Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Cold Sores Suck! Get Rid Of Them For Good!

By Mitch Levonthal

Cold sores are usually outbreaks of the herpes simplex virus that fully half of the population carries around in their bodies. Some people are more prone to developing cold sores than others, and trying to get rid of cold sores, both immediately or longer-term, can be somewhat of a challenge for them.

Cold sores usually appear at first as one small red blister, with a tendency later on to become a cluster of small blisters in a couple of days. Clear liquid may weep from the sore, and a scab forms later on. While in the early stages of forming, the sore may cause your lip to tingle at first, later turning into a more painful burning and itching sensation. People who suffer from cold sores can also experience other irritating sensitivities like swollen lymph glands, fatigue, body ache, and even a low grade fever during an outbreak.

Fortunately, cold sores can disappear sometimes within a couple of days, but others have been known to last as long as a couple of weeks. Herpes simplex being a highly contagious virus, it can be spread easily between people. A prudent approach to take during herpes outbreaks is to refrain from eating or drinking from someone else's dishes, kissing, and other activities that involve oral contact.

It's not all that unusual for a big cold sore to erupt on your lip at exactly the wrong time, like before a party, date, graduation, or other big event where you may be feeling some extra stress. Other hormone changes can also trigger for cold sores. Research shows that there can be other causes for cold sores, including a compromised immune system, menstruation, and too much exposure to the sun.

Early intervention in the cold sore's infection process is key to keeping the virus from replicating and lengthening the outbreak. Everyone understands that external cold sore relief is important, but not enough people realize that a longer-term strategy of cold sore prevention begins with creating the right internal balances of hormones, vitamins, and minerals.

Two FDA-approved medications for topical use - acyclovir and penciclovir - have been shown to be somewhat effective in treating cold sores, but not significantly more than natural creams and nutritional oral supplements that are less harsh. It's also important to not overlook the internal nutritional imbalances that can contribute to cold sore formation. Many nutritionists agree that adults should consume at least 60 grams of protein daily to keep cold sore outbreaks from occurring.

Other things you can do to avoid cold sores include staying out of the sun and reducing stress. Your blood's calcium levels drop when you're exposed to the sun, and lower calcium levels tend to stimulate the herpes virus. To reduce your stress levels, many people resort to exercise, listening to music, doing creative things, praying, meditating, and enjoying their favorite hobby.

By following these basic steps and a few others, you can better manage your cold sore outbreaks. No absolute cures exist today, but these few practices can help provide you with the relief that you sorely need.

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